Day 28 – Heal and seal

Some of you began this cleanse with the sole purpose of cleaning out your body and getting things back on track. Congratulations! Your cleansing journey is nearing the end and you have a lot to be proud of, we all do. I hope that you will take some of the habits we have discussed and make them your own.

Several others have long-standing intestinal issues that will require a longer term commitment for proper healing. Most people are surprised to learn that it can take up to 18-24 months (or more) to properly heal and seal the intestines of a person with severe gut issues (leaky gut, irritable bowel syndrome, or other). Most gut issues began in infancy when we were weaned from breast milk (if we were lucky to have breast milk) and introduced to solid foods so the problem is not new by any means. This makes it easier to understand why healing is such a long process.

The first time I did this very cleanse, I did a little more complicated version and I did it for 8 weeks. At the end of it all, I stayed with an eating plan that did not include any grains except the occasional serving of basmati rice here and there. I still do not eat many legumes and only enjoy dairy on an occasional basis. I know it is doing me well because when I test it by eating certain grains, the usual bloating only appears if I eat them repeatedly over a couple of days. I test this every few months to see my progress. When I first began, I was sensitive to all grains including quinoa, oats, rice, corn and of course wheat. I was also sensitive to all dairy, eggs and even chicken. I was getting bloated after just about every meal. Eight months later, I can happily eat chicken and eggs, occasional dairy, and even grains if I keep it to once in a long while. Every day my gut gets healthier.

Over the next few weeks to months, I will continue to ingest foods and supplements that heal and slowly re-introduce other foods as I am ready. For those of you who want to continue on the journey of healing your intestines, you will have me right beside you 🙂

You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose.                           —Dr Seuss