Day 27 – In good hands

I would be remiss if I did not post an article about the benefits of chiropractic care. Being a chiropractor is more than a profession for me, it is my way of life. Most every decision I make about the health of my family and of myself is influenced by my education as a doctor of chiropractic. Not only that, Patrick and I met and decided to share our lives together while becoming chiropractors and it is where we became parents for the first time.

Most people associate chiropractic care with relief of some kind of pain such as headaches or back pain. In fact, the true origins of chiropractic have little to do with pain alleviation. The founders of this profession were more interested in how the nervous system was affected by disruptions in movement of the spine and other articulations. Because the brain and the nervous system controls and coordinates all organs, structures and functions of the human body, it is in everyone’s best interest that the communication between these structures remain viable.

A chiropractor’s role is to promote an optimal dialog between the brain and the body and vice versa. Using hands, a chiropractor restores movement and removes interference to the nervous system. By doing so, the body is able to function at its best and move toward homeostasis and the brain is able to receive all the activation that it relies on. With regular chiropractic care, your health is in good hands.

The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.                                      —Thomas Edison

We never know how far reaching something we may think, say or do today will affect the lives of millions tomorrow.                                                                  —BJ Palmer, developer of chiropractic